Hello Friends,

A few weeks ago I sent out my first attempt to start a blog. I had all of the greatest of intentions not expecting the darn thing not to work. And because I am the tech genius that I am (not), I waited until I could find some poor soul to help me out (Thanks Brett). So here I am going for Round 2 in my attempt to encourage, draw from your support and hopefully entertain those of my friends, family or strangers that are willing to entertain me by reading this. And because I have lost nothing in the past weeks except for my mind a couple of times I am here to stay yesterday was Monday and it’s a new week!

And since I had no takers on the boot camp at 6 a.m. except for the occasional drop in (sorry Sydney & Tom) I decided to take matters in my own hands and joined a No Excuses Boot Camp at the YMCA. Ironic that my first life changing experience with personal training was with Connie & Richard at No Excuse Fitness.

Let me tell you, it’s been awhile since I had someone kicking my butt besides myself and I’m loving it! 12 weeks of training 5 days a week at 6 a.m. It was God sent! We are going to Hawaii for Christmas and this camp ends 2 days before we leave. Coincidence, I don’t think so!

So since I last attempted to write my first blog page we went on a RV vacation up to Monterrey/Carmel and then down Highway 1. It was beautiful, amazing and a well needed vacation by all. Now back to reality and back to setting and reaching goals.

The year 2013 is not going to be complete without letting go of a few strongholds and going into 2014 Super Strong!!!

Will you join me? I am looking forward to sharing my journey with you.


(Quick explanation of DLO for those who don’t know. My maiden name was Danielle Landreth, I was given the nickname DL, then I got married and was Owens so now they call me DLO. Or as Paula calls me D-Lo šŸ™‚ Love that girl!)